About ooLite Media
We love creating one-of-a-kind websites and video vignettes. There is something exciting and gratifying in taking a concept such as the promotion of a new book or business and creating a dramatic video trailer or website to evoke the creative vision. The right music, vibrant visuals and graphics, and dramatic sound effects come together to weave a memorable story.
We look forward to hearing your ideas and to working with you to help realize your dreams.
Our exciting This Is Yellowstone website and Youtube channel are gaining traction. The mission of This Is Yellowstone is to present unusual and interesting science and cultural content about Yellowstone National Park and the Greater Yellowstone region. The site is edited by geologist and filmmaker Daniel J. Smith. His intimate knowledge of Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons provides a scientific and cultural perspective on the region found nowhere else. To see more visit our website at www.thisisyellowstone.com and:
Legacy Media
We come from the past and are tied to the future. One of our core beliefs is preservation of past knowledge and legacy. One way to achieve this is to preserve media from outdated technology. We do this through digitizing and upconverting old media formats. Lets discuss the media you have stored away in dusty old boxes and in formats that you can no longer play. We will help you preserve and organize your legacy media for future generations.
Some of Our Video Work
ooLite Media Core Services
Bozeman, Montana
Oolite Media LLC is a Bozeman, Montana-based multimedia development firm specializing in responsive website development, digital video production, still & motion graphics and archival image and video preservation. We have over 25 years of experience in media planning, design and development.
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Site developed by ooLite Media LLC, Bozeman, Montana